
All lessons will be conducted in a new and modern classroom that provides for comfort, stimulating displays and access to both modern technology and paper based activities.  Your child will have access to their own top of the range computer during all lessons and will be supported by the use of tutoring packages used by many of the best tutoring centres. Lessons will be complimented by the availability of an interactive white board which is linked to a projector, allowing the tutor the ability to display a vast amount of educational material.

Paper based activities, whether it be through a work-book activity or a paper exercise, are designed to support computer-based work and many are taken directly from the national curriculum.  However, some activities are simply fun but will always continue to stretch your child’s abilities and add to their learning.

Unlike main stream schools and other large tutoring companies, Louisa has deliberately designed the classroom at My Learning Land to cater for no more than 4 students at any time.  We know how difficult it can be for a child to be confident to raise their hand in large classes and for teachers and tutors to have the time then to respond in full to each child’s question.  We know how tough it is for the teachers and tutors to give attention to so many students or to monitor and measure progress and of course, we know the difficulties for children to concentrate in the hustle and bustle of any large group of children.

Your child’s classroom at My Learning Land is, simply put, designed to give your child the perfect environment in which to work and learn.  Louisa is confident that all students will be happy and feel safe at all times and will have fun whilst being fully engaged with the many activities provided which will give you child the best chance of success in all their future learning activities as they progress through their later years of education.